HPN Housing Counseling Program
HPN Housing Counseling Program
- 9902 Desk Guide: Step by step guide how to complete 9902 reporting for each quarter.
- Sample Program Disclosure Form: Template for Program Disclosure Form. The disclosure statement identifies the agency and explicitly describes the various types of services that it provides. It must clearly state that the client is not obligated to receive, purchase, or use any other services offered by the organization or its exclusive partners, in order to receive counseling services. For clients receiving telephone counseling, the agency must verbally or electronically provide a disclosure that meets these requirements.
- Sample Program Disclosure Form: Template for Program Disclosure Form. The disclosure statement identifies the agency and explicitly describes the various types of services that it provides. It must clearly state that the client is not obligated to receive, purchase, or use any other services offered by the organization or its exclusive partners, in order to receive counseling services. For clients receiving telephone counseling, the agency must verbally or electronically provide a disclosure that meets these requirements.
- HPN HUD Counseling Work Plan Template: This is a participating agency’s plan that explains: (1) the needs and problems of the target population; (2) how the agency will address one or more of these needs and problems with its available resources; (3) the type of housing counseling services offered; (4) fee structure, if applicable; (5) the geographic service area to be served; and (6) the anticipated results (outcomes) to be achieved within the period of approval. When the plan is changed or amended, the agency must notify and provide a copy to HUD. An agency’s housing counseling work plan must also address, if appropriate, alternative settings and formats for the provision of housing counseling services. Alternative formats can include telephonic counseling or remote counseling systems designed using Skype technology, video cameras and the internet.
- Attachment G- FY19 Final Narrative Report Format: Similar to the Quarterly Narrative, the Final Narrative reflect the work performed during the reporting period as compared to the work planned. These narratives also include challenges on a larger scale that the agency may not be able to address and may therefore require HUD assistance. These reports should also include trend information or agency observations concerning housing industry changes that both positively and negatively impact housing counseling activities.