
Robert Corley



422 Washington St
Quincy, MA 02169-5715

About NeighborWorks Housing Solutions

NeighborWorks Housing Solutions (NHS) has served the Southern Massachusetts community for 40 years and is committed to a "more than housing" approach, in which stable, affordable housing is a pathway to individual and family wellbeing and community economic vitality.

The organization has developed nearly 900 units of affordable housing; currently owns and manages nearly 800 homes and apartments; and is developing an additional 300 units of affordable housing. Our real estate portfolio includes one and two-family units, multi-family apartment buildings, and SRO (Single Room Occupancy) units which serve low-income families, seniors, veterans, people with disabilities, and many formerly homeless individuals and families.

We are the region’s largest rental assistance provider, administering nearly 2,900 state and federal rental subsidies. Our programs organization-wide serve over 12,000 families/households annually. In addition to providing traditional rental subsidies to individuals and families, NHS also provides a family shelter program for families affected by domestic violence, a rental assistance program for families to prevent homelessness, and a program to move families out of shelters and hotels into more stable housing. Since 2012, we have housed over 5,000 formerly homeless families, and have assisted 500 of them to secure employment through partnerships with workforce development partners.

We are a Certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) providing Home Rehabilitation and Modification Loan and technical assistance programs, and lending programs for Homebuyers, Homeowners, and Small Business Owners.

Through our Housing Counseling and Education programs, NHS has educated more than 12,000 prospective homebuyers, assisted more than 5,000 buyers to purchase their first homes, provided foreclosure prevention counseling services to more than 3,300 homeowners, and provided financial coaching to thousands of families.

Housing Financial Counseling

Real Estate Development

Property Management

Resident Services
